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McKeesport Transit Company - Wall Bus Line

Acquired by PAT on March 19, 1964

Local bus service started in McKeesport in 1923 under the name of the Highland Grove Bus Company. This was a predecessor of the recently defunct Highland Grove Traction Company which operated streetcars between Highland Grove and McKeesport, mostly on Pittsburgh Railways trackage in the McKeesport area.

Gust Siahos started bus operations on a route between Wilmerding and Wall in 1924. In 1925, he purchased the rights to the Highland Grove Bus Company, which ran one route, and began operations as the McKeesport Transit Company. A second route was added in 1929 from East Pittsburgh to Turtle Creek and Monroeville. The Wilmerding - Wall route was also brought into the company  in 1929, which until then, had been running under a separate permit.

Siahos added some partners to the operation in 1927. It is unclear as to the reason why but in 1934, Siahos pulled the Wilmerding - Wall route back out of the McKeesport Transit Company but retained his interest in the company. The Wilmerding - Wall route was operated by Siahos personally and was known as the Wall Bus Line or the Wilmerding & Wall Bus Line.

The Wall Bus Line used McKeesport Transit Company equipment. The buses were usually on a temporary basis but a few were permanent loans and were painted with the 'Wilmerding & Wall Bus Line' name.

In 1938, McKeesport Transit purchased the East Pittsburgh - Linhart - Universal route from Niehl Transportation Company. This purchase included charter rights and McKeesport Transit operated the line until 1951 when it was sold to Austin Motor Coach, a new but unrelated company set up to operate the line.

In 1943 the company underwent a reorganization or sorts when the original corporation was dissolved and replaced by a partnership between Siahos and Peter Sampas who was one of the original investors. This arrangement stayed until Sampas retired from the business in 1956.

An additional line was added in 1950 which was actually a branch off of the existing McKeesport - East Pittsburgh route. This branch ran to Braddock. This line proved to be less than successful and was eliminated in 1961.

McKeesport never had GM equipment. Instead it had a mix of Ford, Beaver, Reo, White and FitzJohn coaches. McKeesport Transit also purchased a cheaper International pusher chassis with a Superior transit body in 1961.

Siahos died a month before the PAT takeover occurred. Up to the end, the Wall Bus Line was maintained separately from McKeesport Transit Company and was treated as a separate acquisition by PAT.

Acquired Equipment (with PAT number if re-numbered)
McKeesport Number Make Model Year PAT Number
32 White 786 1942 -
40 White 782 1946 -
44 Beaver B-35-PT 1947 680
46 Beaver B-31-PT 1947 681
52 FitzJohn 310 1948 640
54 FitzJohn FTG 1951 641
56 White 1140 1951 -
58 FitzJohn FTG 1952 642
60 FitzJohn FTD 1953 644
62 International Superior 1961 44
1 International School Bus K-7 1947 -
Wall Bus Number Make Model Year PAT Number
48 Beaver B-31-PT 1947 -
50 FitzJohn 310 1947 639

Note: Coach 54 was converted to Diesel in 1963

Coach 58 was converted to Diesel

Coach 60 was a demonstrator purchased in 1955

Coach 62 was an International pusher chassis with a Superior Transit style body

Coaches 32,40,56,1 and 48 were not renumbered by PAT

Routes (shown with PAT numbers)
60M McKeesport - East Pittsburgh
60N East Pittsburgh - Turtle Creek - Monroeville
70D Wilmerding - Wall

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This page was updated on June 25, 2008

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