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DeBolt Lines, Inc.

Acquired by PAT on March 6, 1964

DeBolt Transit Company was formed in June of 1949 after purchasing 2 routes to Downtown Pittsburgh from the financially troubled Bamford Brothers Motor Coach Lines. DeBolt had been around for decades but as a trucking company hauling steel from the various steel mills in the Pittsburgh area. The actual takeover of the old Bamford Homestead - Pittsburgh and Mt. Oliver - Pittsburgh routes occurred on August 2, 1949.

The Bamford route purchase also included limited charter rights for DeBolt. Additional charter rights, along with Pittsburgh charter origination rights came in 1953 when DeBolt acquired the rights from the Montour Motor Coach Lines which was going out of business. Interstate charter rights came when DeBolt purchased Somerset Bus Company of Somerset, PA. DeBolt maintained the Somerset Bus Company as a separate entity but was able to share charter rights between the 2 companies.

DeBolt and Somerset frequently transferred buses back and forth so it was not uncommon to see a Somerset coach running in the Pittsburgh area for charters and occasionally a regular run. 

The first new line DeBolt started was in 1953 and was a feeder route from Homeville to Homestead to connect to the Homestead - Pittsburgh line. Also in December of 1953, DeBolt obtained permission to extend service to Duquesne. This new route was in direct competition with a Pittsburgh Railways Co. (PRCo) feeder route that ran an identical routing but in this case DeBolt and PRCo were able to run as the 2 feeders served different purposes. The DeBolt feeder to serve its buses and the PRCo feeder to serve the streetcars and there was no transfer rights between the two carriers.

Another route was added in 1954 which ran from Skyview Terrace to Homestead. An additional route was acquired from Duquesne Motor Coach Lines in 1954 and ran from Homestead to the Irvin Works. This was primarily a rush hour/shift change type service.

The company changed its name to DeBolt Lines, Inc. in 1957 and all routes were transferred over to the new company. No new routes were added and all service remained unchanged from 1954 through 1964 when PAT acquired the company.

DeBolt had an odd numbering system for its coaches. TDM4515's were numbered in multiples of 10 and other buses in multiples of 2 sandwiched in between the TDM4515's. School buses had numbers ending in 5.

Although DeBolt Lines was acquired by PAT and its garage used for several years, DeBolt retained Somerset Bus Company and the charter rights. DeBolt Lines re-emerged later on in virtually the same livery as the original company had. Once PAT moved out of the Homestead garage, DeBolt came back as a charter company and runs charter along with some commuter service to this day.

Acquired Equipment (with PAT number if re-numbered)
DeBolt Number Make Model Year PAT Number
12 FitzJohn 310 1949 -
18 Mack C-33-DT 1949 91
26 FitzJohn 310 1951 -
28,30 Mack C-33-DT 1951 92,93
32 FitzJohn FTG 1952 -
34,36,38 FitzJohn FTG 1952 631,632,633
40,42 FitzJohn FTG 1953 634,635
44 FitzJohn FTG 1953 -
45 International RM-150 1954 26
46 Mack C-37-DT 1950 -
48 FitzJohn FTG 1954 636
50 GM TDM4515 1954 493
52 Mack C-45-DT 1955 94
54,56 Mack C-47-DT 1955 -
58 GM TDH4512 1956 356
60 GM TDM4515 1955 494
62 GM TDH4512 1957 357
64 GM TDH4512 1958 358
66 GM TDH4517 1960 531
68 Mack C-41-GT 1947 -
70 GM TDM4515 1957 495
72,74 Mack C-41-GT 1947 -
75 GM School Bus 1955 27
76 GM TDH4517 1961 532
78 GM TDM5304 1963 1950
82 GM TDM5304 1963 1951
85 GM School Bus 1955 28
95 GM School Bus 1957 25


Coaches 68,72,74 were purchased used from Co-operative Transit Co in 1960

Coach 46 was a demonstrator purchased in 1953

Coach 52 was a demonstrator purchased in 1954

Routes (shown with PAT numbers)
51F Pittsburgh - Homestead - Duquesne via South Side
53F Pittsburgh - Homestead - Duquesne via Parkway
51G Pittsburgh - Mt Oliver
55B Homestead - Homeville
55V Homestead - Skyview Terrace - Irvin Works

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This page was updated on June 17, 2008

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