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Dawson Motor Coach

Acquired by PAT on May 20, 1964

James J. Dawson begun bus service in 1927 to connect the B&O station in Braddock to North Braddock. Gustave Popper began service about the same time to link Braddock, Forest Hills and Braddock Hills. In 1931 Dawson started a second route which more or less duplicated Poppers' , and later that year Dawson bought Popper's operation, which included two short routes in Swissvale.

Dawson revised the Forest Hills route to eliminate service on the western part, and subsequently also abandoned the North Braddock route which had competed with Popper's. The remaining routes were restricted where they duplicated service provided by Pittsburgh Railways routes 55, 64 and 87. Always on the lookout to prosper, Dawson purchased a local cab company and expanded it to serve many of the eastern suburbs and Turtle Creek Valley. Bus service was extended into Bessemer Terrace (East Pittsburgh) in 1939. Two years later the line was extended to Swissvale. This route was split into two: Swissvale to Braddock, and Braddock to Bessemer Terrace.

Paul Miller and his wife, doing business as Miller Bus Lines, purchased Dawson's Forest Hills line and later operated a Wilkinsburg-Braddock line. These were sold to Leonardo Burrelli in 1949. Dawson in the meantime restructured the Swissvale-North Braddock line to service the Hawkins Village neighborhood. A son, James Jr., took over the routes and continued to operate them until 1964.

Equipment (with PAT number if acquired)
Dawson Number Make Model Year PAT Number
46 Mack C33GT 1949 -
48 Mack C33GT 1949 -
50 Mack C37DT 1950 -
52 Mack C37DT 1951 -
54 Mack C37DT 1951 -
56 Mack C37DT 1953 -
58 Mack C37DT 1953 -
59 International School Bus 1953 -
100 Ford Cub 118S 1951 -
9251 GM PDG3751 1948 -

Note: None of these were renumbered by PAT

Routes (shown with PAT numbers)
65E Swissvale - Braddock
65K Braddock - Bessemer Terrace

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This page was updated on June 17, 2008

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