Route 16E came into PAT's route
structure from the former Pittsburgh
Railways Company (PRCo) bus route number 226 with the same name which started on
October 14, 1951 . Prior to that the route could trace its roots back to 20 Rebecca
streetcar line. Although the route should have been rather straight forward to describe,
it became the victim of continual routing changes, service adjustments and having other
routes directly associated to it that duplicated much of the same service.
Garages assigned to the 16E:
- Manchester Garage - 03/01/64 - 03/30/68
- Ross Division - 03/31/68 - 06/26/82
Destination Signs:
Split signs and full size signs were similar to the
examples shown above.
The 16E also had window cards which were used.
1964 Original Routing inbound to Pittsburgh - From Beaver Avenue
opposite Duquesne Light Building via Beaver, Reedsdale, Walker, Strong to Shore Avenue,
General Robinson Street, Federal, 6th Street Bridge, Sixth Street, Penn to Stanwix.
1964 Original Routing outbound from Pittsburgh - From Penn and Stanwix
via Stanwix , Duquesne, Sixth Street, Sixth Street Bridge, Federal Street, General
Robinson Street, Shore Avenue to Strong, Walker, Reedsdale, Beaver, Branchport, Preble,
Island to Beaver opposite the Duquesne Light Building.
07/10/66 First revised routing inbound to Pittsburgh - From Beaver
Avenue opposite Duquesne Light Building via Beaver, North, Manhattan, Western, Fulton,
Ridge, Merchant, West Ohio Street, Arch, Montgomery, Sandusky, Stockton, Federal Street,
Sixth Street Bridge, Sixth Street, Penn to Stanwix.
07/10/66 First revised routing outbound from Pittsburgh - From Penn and
Stanwix via Stanwix , Duquesne, Sixth Street, Sixth Street Bridge, Federal Street,
Stockton, Sandusky, Montgomery, Arch, West Ohio Street, Merchant, Ridge, Fulton, North,
Beaver, Branchport, Preble, Island to Beaver opposite the Duquesne Light Building.
07/10/66 Revised alternate route inbound - Beaver, Reedsdale, Allegheny
to Ridge regular route to Arch Street, then via Arch Street and Stockton to Federal Street
and regular route to city.
07/10/66 Revised alternate route outbound - Regular route to Stockton
via Arch, West Ohio Street, Merchant, Ridge, Allegheny, Reedsdale, Beaver then regular
route to outer terminus.
12/03/67 Inbound Routing - From Beaver Avenue opposite Duquesne Light
Building via Beaver, North, Manhattan, Western, Fulton, Ridge, Merchant, West Ohio Street,
West Commons, Allegheny Square West, West Commons, South Commons, Federal Street, 6th
Street Bridge, Sixth Street, Penn to Stanwix.
12/03/67 Outbound Routing - From Penn and Stanwix via Stanwix,
Duquesne, 6th Street Bridge, Federal Street, South Commons, East Commons, North Commons,
West Commons, Allegheny Square West, West Commons, West Ohio Street, Merchant, Ridge,
Fulton, North, Beaver, Branchport, Preble, Island to Beaver opposite the Duquesne Light
12/03/67 Inbound alternate routing - From Beaver Avenue opposite
Duquesne Light Building via Beaver, Reedsdale, Allegheny to Ridge and then via regular
routing to city.
12/03/67 Outbound alternate routing - From city via regular route to
Ridge, Allegheny, Reedsdale, Beaver and then via regular route to outer terminus.
06/30/68 Inbound Routing - From Beaver Avenue opposite Duquesne Light
Building via Beaver, North, Manhattan, Western, Fulton, Ridge, West Ohio Street, West
Commons, Allegheny Square West, West Commons, South Commons, Federal Street, 6th Street
Bridge, Sixth Street, Penn to Stanwix.
06/30/68 Outbound Routing remains unchanged.
06/30/68 New service deviation on selected trips (outbound only) - Penn
at Stanwix, Ft. Duquesne Blvd., Manchester Bridge to Ridge, Reedsdale, Chateau to Island
Avenue Bridge.
12/08/68 Alternate routing inbound - From Beaver Avenue opposite
Duquesne Light Building via Beaver, Reedsdale, Ridge and then via regular routing to city.
12/08/68 Alternate routing outbound - From city via regular route to
Ridge, Reedsdale, Beaver and then via regular route to outer terminus.
09/06/70 - Outbound routing - Regular routing from city to North,
Chateau, Juniata Street turnaround, Beaver, Pennsylvania, Metropolitan, Branchport,
Preble, Island to Beaver. (Inbound remains unchanged).
09/06/70 - Outbound alternate routing changed - Regular routing from
city to Ridge, Reedsdale. Chateau, Juniata Street turnaround, Beaver, Pennsylvania,
Metropolitan, Branchport, Preble, Island to Beaver. (Inbound remains unchanged).
09/06/70 Manchester Bridge routing changed to Ft. Duquesne Bridge with
no other routing change.
12/13/70 Inbound service on Ft. Duquesne Bridge was implemented. Route
was once a day in the PM rush and schedules indicate it left from Sproat Way (off of
Reedsdale) into town. The information is unclear as to the routing of this single trip.
11/14/71 Inbound routing - Island at Beaver via Beaver to North,
Manhattan, Western, Fulton, Ridge, Galveston, Lincoln, Brighton, Ridge, Allegheny, North
Shore Drive, Stadium Drive East, General Robinson Street, Federal Street, Sixth Street
Bridge, Sixth Street, Penn Avenue to Stanwix.
11/14/71 Outbound routing - Penn Avenue at Stanwix via Stanwix, Ft.
Duquesne Blvd, Sixth Street Bridge, Federal Street, General Robinson Street, Reedsdale,
Ridge, Galveston, Lincoln, Brighton, Ridge, Fulton, North, Chateau, Juniata Street
Turnaround, Beaver, Pennsylvania, Metropolitan, Branchport, Preble, Island to Beaver.
11/14/71 Alternate inbound routing - Island at Beaver via Beaver to
Reedsdale, Ridge, Allegheny and via regular route (Does not serve Community College).
11/14/71 Alternate outbound routing - Regular route to Ridge,
Reedsdale, Chateau and via regular route (Does not serve Community College).
09/02/73 Inbound routing - Island at Beaver via Beaver to North,
Manhattan, Western, Fulton, Ridge, Allegheny, Western, Brighton, Ridge, Allegheny, North
Shore Drive, Stadium Drive East, General Robinson Street, Federal Street, Sixth Street
Bridge, Sixth Street, Market Street, Forbes Avenue to Stanwix.
09/02/73 Outbound routing - Forbes Avenue at Stanwix via Stanwix, Ft.
Duquesne Blvd, Sixth Street Bridge, Federal Street, General Robinson Street, Reedsdale,
Ridge, Brighton, Western, Allegheny, Ridge, Fulton, North, Chateau, Juniata Street
Turnaround, Beaver, Pennsylvania, Metropolitan, Branchport, Preble, Island to Beaver.
09/02/73 Alternate inbound routing - Island at Beaver via Beaver to
Reedsdale, Ridge, Allegheny and via regular route (Does not serve Community College).
09/02/73 Alternate outbound routing - Regular route to Ridge,
Reedsdale, Chateau and via regular route (Does not serve Community College).
09/02/73 Additional changes - Morning trips to 11 AM had a different
city loop which was Sixth Street to Liberty, Fifth, Grant, Forbes, Stanwix, Ft. Duquesne
Blvd to Sixth Street Bridge. There was also an express via the Seventh Street Bridge via
Reedsdale implemented that bypassed the 3 Rivers Stadium parking lots and Community
College (not shown on map).
09/01/74 Inbound routing - Island at Beaver via Beaver to North,
Manhattan, Western, Brighton, Ridge, Allegheny, North Shore Drive, Stadium Drive East,
General Robinson Street, Federal Street, Sixth Street Bridge, Sixth Street, Market Street,
Forbes Avenue to Stanwix. Trips before 11 AM loop: Sixth Street to Liberty, Fifth, Grant,
Forbes, Stanwix, Ft. Duquesne Blvd to Sixth Street Bridge.
09/01/74 Outbound routing - Forbes Avenue at Stanwix via Stanwix, Ft.
Duquesne Blvd, Sixth Street Bridge, Federal Street, General Robinson Street, Reedsdale,
Ridge, Brighton, Western, Fulton, North, Chateau, Juniata Street Turnaround, Beaver,
Pennsylvania, Metropolitan, Branchport, Preble, Island to Beaver. Trips before 11 AM loop:
Sixth Street to Liberty, Fifth, Grant, Forbes, Stanwix, Ft. Duquesne Blvd to Sixth Street
09/01/74 Alternate inbound routing - Island at Beaver via Beaver to
Western via regular route.
09/01/74 Alternate outbound routing - Regular route to Western, Chateau
and via regular route.
01/12/75 Inbound Routing - Island at Beaver via Beaver to North,
Fulton, Western, Brighton, Ridge, Allegheny, North Shore Drive, Stadium Drive East,
General Robinson Street, Federal Street, Sixth Street Bridge, Sixth Street, Market Street,
Forbes Avenue to Stanwix. Trips before 11 AM loop: Sixth Street to Liberty, Fifth, Grant,
Forbes, Stanwix, Ft. Duquesne Blvd to Sixth Street Bridge.
01/12/75 Outbound routing - No change.
09/03/78 - The downtown loop was extended for regular 16E trips.
Regular routing to Sixth Street Bridge, Liberty, Fifth Avenue, Wood Street, Forbes Avenue,
Stanwix, Ft. Duquesne Blvd., Sixth Street Bridge via regular route.
09/05/78 - Certain trips were extended to Perrysville Avenue via
Marshall Avenue. These were split between the 16E and the 16U with the 16E running the
outbound and the 16U running the inbound.
06/14/81 - Due to the start of subway construction in Downtown, the 16E
was rerouted in town as follows: Regular routing to General Robinson Street, Sandusky, 7th
Street Bridge, 7th Street, Penn Avenue, Stanwix, Ft. Duquesne Blvd. 6th Street Bridge,
Federal Street, General Robinson Street and then via regular route.
01/23/82 Inbound Routing - Island at Beaver Avenue via Beaver to North,
Fulton, Western, Brighton, Ridge, Allegheny, North Shore Drive (via Stadium Drive in the
AM), General Robinson Street, Federal, 6th Street Bridge, Ft. Duquesne Blvd, Stanwix to
Penn Avenue at the Jenkins Arcade.
01/23/82 Outbound Routing - Penn Avenue at the Jenkins Arcade via Penn
Avenue to 9th Street, 9th Street Bridge, Anderson, Lacock to Ridge, Brighton, Western,
Fulton, North, Chateau to Juniata Street turnaround at Chateau Plaza, Beaver,
Pennsylvania, Metropolitan, Branchport, Preble, Island to Beaver.
Alternate 01/23/82 Inbound Routing - Island at Beaver via Beaver to
Western and then via regular route to city.
Alternate 01/23/82 Outbound Routing - Regular routing from city to
Western, Chateau and then via regular route to outer terminus.
01/23/82 North Side routing between 3PM and 6PM Outbound Only - Regular
Route to Lacock, Federal, General Robinson Street, Stadium Drive East, Lacock and then via
regular route.
Currently researching the other revised routings due to street changes,
construction and service changes.
A one way trip on the regular routing took approximately 20 to 30
minutes depending on routing used at the time.
Route Highlights:
Started: 03/01/64 (PAT acquisition date of PRCo).
Ended: 06/26/82 due to duplication of services.
The 16E ran only Monday through Saturday with no Sunday or holiday
service until 07/04/76 when the Saturday service was eliminated due to low ridership.
The 16E was consolidated with the 16D as far as fares were concerned
and the route was able to offer a lower fare in the downtown into a portion of the North
Side area. (This reduced fare later was extended to all routes as the Downtowner fare).
Starting on ??/??/68, additional AM trips were added to the 16E with
a new routing via the Manchester Bridge. This routing was changed when the Ft. Duquesne
Bridge opened and the Manchester Bridge was closed and the additional trips rerouted over
the new bridge on ??/??/70.
Between 12/13/70 and 02/19/72, a single return trip over the Ft.
Duquesne Bridge routing was operated in the PM rush.
Starting on 11/14/71, the 16E was rerouted to serve the 3 Rivers
Stadium parking lots.
Starting on ??/??/73, the new 16U Stadium - Community College
"U-Bus" was instituted and combined with the 16E service to improve service on a
small portion of the line during peak student periods.
A new Downtown loop and improved service occurred on 09/02/73 with an
extended regular loop and trips before 11 AM operating to Grant Street in Downtown. A new
routing around the Allegheny County Community College and a new outer terminus also took
place at this time.
Starting in 1974, there was a single AM peak trip that left the
Monongahela Incline, via West Carson Street to the West End Bridge. The schedule is
unclear as to if this single trip was designated as a 16E or a 16U trip. This trip no
longer showed on schedules by 1978. We are currently attempting to determine what
designation this trip ran under.
Effective 09/01/74, a new Manchester routing was adopted.
Effective 08/31/75, certain Reedsdale & 7th Street Bridge trips
began operating on Friday only.
On 09/05/78, a new extension was added to Marshall Avenue for buses
coming to and from Ross Garage from Perrysville Avenue at Marshall Avenue. At this time a
new route was combined with the 16E service, the 18E Manchester Express.
Additional Marshall Avenue service was provided by the 18E starting
on 06/15/80 and was associated with the 16E service.
Several changes in the Downtown area occurred towards the end of the
16E history due to the subway construction. One major downtown routing change occurred on
June 14, 1981 and the other occurred on January 2, 1982.
The PAT route maps that were in the schedules for the 16E were
notoriously poor over the years and often omitted portions of the line.
The 16E was one of the more tinkered with routes PAT ran with almost
constant routing and time adjustments, especially in the first 10 years of its existence.
Many of the routing adjustments had to do with construction issues on the North Side as
well as adjusting service to accommodate students at the Allegheny County Community
College which changed every semester.
Between 11/20/77 and 09/03/78 the trips designated as express trips
for the 16E were redesignated as the 18E Manchester Express.
The 16E usually ran 40 foot coaches but over the years you could also
find many 35 and 30 foot coaches serving the route as well.
Schedules (Known PAT issued schedules are listed):
The 16E had 6 distinct styles of schedules.
The schedules from the Manchester Garage were folder PM-17 and were a
schedule card with only the 16E on it. On 12/03/67, the route was incorporated into the
16D and 96A schedule under folder PM-2 and was a 4 panel paper fold out in the late 60's
era style schedule.
- PM-17A - 01/10/65
- PM-17B - 07/10/66 - Corrected schedule - No date given
- PM-17C - 09/06/66
- PM-2F - 12/03/67 - 16E added to an existing folder number
Ross Division schedules were R-10 and were the of the late 60's style
and were a 4 panel fold out schedule. This schedule changed from red to blue in 1970. In
1974, the schedules adopted the MOD era design. The first schedule from this group was
designated K-10 as Ross Division was originally to be called Keating Division.
- K-10A - 03/31/68
- R-10B - ?
- R-10C - 06/30/68 - Reissued without changes *
- R-10D - 09/01/68
- R-10E - 12/08/68
- R-10F - 01/01/69 - Corrected to 02/23/69 and 06/29/69 under same folder
- R-10G - 08/31/69
- R-10H - ?
- R-10J - ?
- R-10K - ?
- R-10L - 09/06/70 - Corrected to 11/01/70 under same folder
- R-10M - 12/13/70
- R-10N - 06/27/71
- R-10P - 09/05/71
- R-10Q - 11/14/71
- R-10R - 02/20/72
- R-10S - ?
- R-10T - 09/03/72
- R-10U - ?
- R-10V - 02/11/73
- R-10W - ?
- R-10X - 09/02/73
- R-10Y - ?
- R-10Z - 03/31/74
- R-10A - 07/07/74
- R-10B - 09/01/74
- R-10C - 01/12/75
- R-10D - 02/23/75
- R-10E - 08/31/75 - Became a 5 panel fold out schedule
- R-10F - 02/15/76
- R-10G - 07/04/76
- R-10H - 09/05/76
- R-10J - 11/07/76
- R-10K - 02/06/77 - Reissued without changes *
- R-10L - 09/04/77
- R-10M - 11/20/77 - Reissued without changes *
- R-10N - ?
- R-10P - ?
- R-10Q - 09/03/78
- R-10R - 11/19/78 - Reissued without changes *
- R-10S - 06/17/79
- R-10T - 11/18/79
- R-10U - 02/10/80
- R-10V - 06/15/80
- R-10W - 01/04/81 - Reissued without changes *
- R-10X - 04/19/81
- R-10Y - 06/14/81
- R-10Z - 08/30/81
- R-10A - 01/03/82
- R-10B - 04/18/82
There were also U-Bus schedules issued that had the 16E in them. They
were folder U-1 and contained all U-Bus routes that went to Allegheny Community College
(all campuses). Those schedules will be listed under the 16U history.
There may have been a few PAT schedules issued prior to PH-25A as the
very early schedules tended not to have folder numbers and/or were reissued former
operator schedules.
Folder numbers were re-used after 24 issues. Letters I and O were not
used as folder suffix indicators.
Route Disposition:
The 16E was discontinued on 06/26/82 primarily due to duplication of
services. 16E service was absorbed into existing service. Although the line had been
around since the PRCo days, it paralleled other existing routes and newer service such as
the more specialized 16U and 18E also operated over much of the 16E routing.
The 16U and 18E will be fully covered under their own separate route
Click on images for larger view
Route map to be added soon. |