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Ohio River Motor Coach Company

Acquired by PAT on March 25, 1964

Formed in March of 1936, the Ohio River Motor Coach Company (ORMC) was certified by the PSC to operate a single line 20 mile line between Aliquippa and Pittsburgh via Ambridge, Sewickley, Haysville and Emsworth. The owners of the new company, Stanley and Frank Ference, originally applied to operate deluxe service in the Ohio River valley over several routes but this was denied but the Pittsburgh line in the application was certified.

This was not the Ference's first venture into operating a bus line. Prior to creating the ORMC, they operated the Ference Brothers Bus Lines which operated a single route between Carnegie and Bridgeville. This line was sold to Penn Bus Lines in 1928 and the Ference Brothers company went out of business.

The new ORMC route was heavily restricted along much of its line as other operators already had rights for service in many of the areas along the routing. Only between the western border of Emsworth and Sewickley was ORMC unrestricted against local traffic and this area was rather unpopulated at the time.

During World War II, restrictions were lifted in the Woodlawn & Southern (W&S) territory as W&S was unable to meet the wartime demands for service. Restrictions were put back in place after the end of the war.

Click for larger imageThe route itself took a little over an hour to operate one way. As per to the restrictions in place, the route operated more as a commuter line rather than a transit line and the buses used on the line reflected this. ORMC buses were transits in a suburban configuration (GM Old Looks in a suburban configuration were still classed as transit coaches), with interior parcel racks, no standee windows and all with forward facing seats. None of the buses in the ORMC fleet had under floor storage bays or center doors, including the New Look suburban coaches which had a true suburban classification. Some of the buses prior to 1950 did have standee windows but the standard for ORMC appeared to be not to have them.

Maintenance was rather good at ORMC and the buses were always in good shape. As the route was more a commuter run, the lack of constant stop and go operation helped dramatically in minimizing wear and tear on the buses. The ORMC only had this one route, which didn't change its entire history except for a couple of minor routing changes in Downtown Pittsburgh.

After the PUC approved the transfer of the ORMC rights to PAT in 1964, many of the restrictions imposed on the line still remained in place as this was an out of county route. The only restriction able to be lifted by the PUC was the Pittsburgh to Emsworth restriction as the PRCo routes, that the lifted restriction covered, were all part of the same system now.

Acquired Equipment (with PAT number if re-numbered)
Ohio River Number Make Model Year PAT Number
68 GM TGM3610 1947 870
102 GM TDH3612 1950 722
104 GM TDH3612 1950 723
106 GM TDH3612 1951 724
108 GM TDH3612 1951 725
110 GM TDH4509 1952 485
112 GM TDH4509 1952 486
114 GM TDH4509 1953 487
116 GM TDH4515 1953 488
118 GM TDH4515 1953 489
120 GM TDH4515 1955 490
122 GM TDH4515 1957 491
124 GM TDH4515 1959 492
126 GM SDH4501 1960 581
128 GM SDH4501 1962 582
130 GM SDH4501 1962 583
132 GM SDH4502 1963 584
164 GM TGM3610 1947 885
166 GM TGM3610 1947 884
170 GM TGM3610 1947 871

Note: Coaches 164,166,170 were converted to 4-71 diesels and renumbered from the original 64,66,70.

Routes (shown with PAT numbers)
16A Aliquippa
18A Aliquippa Express

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This page was updated on June 26, 2008

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